
Monday, January 11, 2010

Getting fit in 2010!

I've got a major resolution for this new year. It get fit and loose this belly fat. Argh! Over the last two Christmases I've put on needless belly fat and weight, over 13# which is way too much for me. I hate to sit and see that stomach roll of mine. So I've decided to eat healthier and workout more. I know I could go to the gym 6 days a week but I choose not to. So I go to the gym for Zumba three days a week and try to get the other workouts at home.

So here's my solution, I got the Wii EA Active personal trainer and I have the Wii Dancing with the stars so hopefully these will help me get into shape. The salesman at the mall said that is wife lost 15# doing the Wii active in the 90 challenge and he lost 6#, so I hope it works for me.

If anyone has done this challenge be share with me because I would love to hear your results. Need a little encouragement here!

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