
Sunday, January 17, 2010

Grams needs prayer

My mother-in-law Genny is in the hospital. Its really serious, she has diabetes and a black left toe and a major infection called MRSA in the toe and she has cellulitis on her foot and leg.

cellutitis on leg

Foot and toe infected, on second day. On day 3 the toe is now blacker.

MRSA, or methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, is a bacterium that can cause serious infections. It is resistant to numerous antibiotics of the beta-lactam family, including methicillin and penicillin. This is treatable but complications arise when cellutitis is involved.

This is a highly contagious infection and we are not allowed to touch her or her things and if we do we must wear gloves and wash immediately after touching anything that she came in contact with. We also learned that once over MRCA infection that the person will always be a carrier and at any time this could arise again.

Cellulitis is caused by a type of bacteria entering the skin, usually by way of a cut, abrasion, or break in the skin. This break does not need to be visible.
Cellulitis can develop in as little as 24 hours or can take days to develop. In many cases, cellulitis takes less than a week to disappear with antibiotic therapy. However, it can take months to resolve completely in more serious cases and can result in severe debility or even death if untreated. If it is not properly treated, it may appear to improve but can resurface months or even years later.

This infection and cellutitis has came on rapidly and still is progressing. The leg looks better today, day 4 but the toe looks worst and is blacker. Grams is a diabetic so this makes things worst too. They are doing everything possible to save her foot. We are praying for a miracle.


  1. I will say a Prayer for your Mother-In-Law. I know how Diabetes can cause problems. I do hope she feels well soon.

  2. OH that looks so bad!!! =( Poor Grandma...I'm praying for her with you! That the Lord would be merciful and even miraculously heal!

    We've had diabetes in our family and a couple of years ago my father was hospitalized with Cellulitis...very painful. =(

  3. Oh my! How awful! I'll keep her in my prayers.


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