
Sunday, March 21, 2010

Regrouping and Refocusing

I have decided to regroup and refocus my shop. I'm going to get back to the purpose of my business. I want my business to be more of a blessing than just a business. I want to inspire people and make them feel good about themselves.

I'm not going to hide the fact that I'm a Christian nor flood my shop with all Christian items either. I want to celebrate who I am and who you are too. I want my products to be a blessing to you and to those who you give them too.

I don't want to compromise who I am to get a sell either. I can have principles and values that others will appreciate because my godly principles are good old fashion, honesty, trustworthiness, integrity, helpfulness, understanding and compassion.

Who also has been an inspiration to me is my son. He has been doing the same thing with his life. He has decided to refocus his whole life and start a business too. Right now he has begun to blog to share his thoughts and desires. My son's blog: mightymetcalf Take a look if you dare.

I hope I've made sense and not rambled on. There will be some new items in my shop soon. Just keep checking and you will see my new inspirations.

You shall walk in all the ways which the Lord your God, Jehovah, has commanded you, that you may live, and that it be well with you. De. 5:33


  1. That's wonderful Gail...both about your son and your blog! I love it when guys blog...I'll have to check his out. My brother-in-law writes some insightful blogs as well, it's nice to have a different perspective.

    As to your shop, I pray for the Lord to bless you as you seek to bless others!

  2. Thank you Anita for the kind words. Blessings to you too!

  3. Good luck ! I think it's a wise move - once in awhile you have to stop, think and ask yourself - am I going the right way? I think your blog is inspiring !


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