
Sunday, September 19, 2010

Priceless Moments

Sometimes the most simplest things in life are those quiet moments you spend it with a loved one.  My most recent moment is when my grandson, Drew, 13, took my hand while in the kitchen, Saturday, and began to dance with me.  As young boys and girls grow up they become so grown up so quickly that a special moment of a teenager are just too priceless not to mention.  I loved the quiet dance in the mist of all the family chatting and visiting.

This special time would not have happened if my daughter hadn't relized that she was in a toxic relationship.  Sometimes it hard to let go of a painful situation to only know you have to stand alone and raise your children alone because its the best thing to do for yourself and for your children.

I'm so thankful for the wisdom and strength my daughter has to made with this hard decision.  I'm thankful that I and her father are there to help her through this all.  But I am most thankful that she has God in her life so she can depend on him and learn to grow in this new season in her life.

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