
Friday, September 10, 2010

Rosh Hashana: The Jewish New Year !

Yesterday was the start of the Jewish New Year and it was quite a memorial day!  Thursday is my normal prayer meeting day and one of the ladies brought the Yom Teruah, Hebrew Morning service prayers for us to read and proclaim.  It was quite moving as God touched as all as we read and proclaimed God's goodness.  The new year is a time of celebration and praise.  You pray, sing and feast.  You eat apples dipped in honey to remember the sweetness of God.

It also was a night of praise and worship at my church.  Now they did not acknowledge the New Year but God new it was his special day and it all flowed beautifully.  At church there was a special communion service too.  Totally awesome way to end the day!  Shalom!

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