
Tuesday, October 26, 2010


One of the hardest things in life is to forgive.  It's hard to forgive others of the offenses they have done against you.  Some offenses are easier to forgive than others but what helps is giving it all to God and allowing him to help you work through your anger, hurt and pain.

But I have since learned of an even harder thing to forgive and that is your own self.  When you are the offender and you realize the pain you have caused its even harder to forgive ourself.  Sometimes its said that we are own worst enemy.  We need again to give all pains and hurts to God and ask him to help you walk this out.

Right now I am learning to control my tongue and control my anger, two really hard things to do.  This weekend I blew it.  I did everything I told myself not to do.  Now, the frustration lies in me, I'm not victim but the one who has caused the undo pain.  But I know my God is my forgiver and he is teaching me a lesson in life to walk away from criticism and learn to accept accusations because you know the truth and arguing gets you know were but causes strife and distance between you and others.

I can only say, I'm sorry and hopefully learn my lesson to stop talking and accept what is being said without arguement.  Thank you God for your forgiveness without him I could not forgive others  or even forgive myself.


  1. Well this is sooooo true, I appreciate your post on this subject, Thankfully we have the Lord to lean on for all our misgivings.

    I figured I was ok in this area of forgiving then as I read your post I realized a few people I have not forgiven and for that I am sorry and going to work on it.


  2. This is so true. I was listening to a very convicting message last week from James McDonald on forgiveness. He was speaking about the parable where the one servant was forgiven an immense debt and he in turn wouldn't forgive his fellow servant a minuscule debt. James said who are we to not forgive. And Jesus tells his disciples to forgive 70x7 times in one day...which in essence means, Stop keeping account of offenses.

    This is something I struggle with...especially toward people who have hurt me deeply and act like I'm the one to blame. =( They are in the church and turn their noses up at me and I just feel the pain fresh every week. However, I am accountable for my actions and I want God to forgive me, so I've got to work on this forgiving and forgetting.

    Thank you for confirming it. And we all make gives us the chance to grow. Know you're not alone. God bless!

  3. Thank you Joyce and Anita for sharing your insights to this problem that faces us all.

    Be blessed!


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