
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Secret Power

So I need help with my big mouth, I have a tendency to say things at the wrong time.  Don't we all? No, not everyone.  Some people have learned the art of listening and speaking only when necessary.  I on the other hand speak first and insert foot in mouth.

So not only do I need wisdom,  I need to learn to keep my big mouth shut.  I have been listening to a lot of Joyce Meyer's CDs to learn to become a better person.  My biggest problem right now is my big mouth.  In listening to one of Joyce's CD's called "Living Without Frustration", she told how we need to learn to keep our mouth shut more and not to needless talk about anything.  She also told how we need to read and proclaim scripture verses to help us overcome some obstacles in our life.  She told us how to read the book called, "The Secret Power of Speaking God's Word."  Just what I need to do daily.  So this is my daily goal to quote scriptures that will benefit myself and others.  Thank God for an awsome teacher, Joyce Meyer!

Check out Joyce Meyer's web  for lots of helpful tools.

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