
Friday, December 3, 2010

Look at my new baby!

It's a 2008 Pontiac Grand Prix, fully loaded, with power everything.  The trunk is huge and the back seats fold down for extra travel stroage too.  The driveside lookes like a airplane cockpit.  Very sporty!  Just love it!  A very smooth ride!


  1. It's beautiful and you're right...look at that dashboard!

    We just got a new car husband was away the beginning of Nov. and was hit from behind, totaling our car. We picked up our new car on Monday. I'll have to blog about it soon.

    Congrats again!

  2. Yes, Anita, share your new car with us too. Thanks for commenting and stopping by. I'm sorry about your husband's accident and loosing your car. I hope you enjoy your new one.

  3. Well that is a really nice looking car, I am happy for you!


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