
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Special New Year's Eve Celebration

My first New Year's Eve out with my adult children was very memorial.  Year after year we have New Year's eve at my house and the whole family comes over we eat party food, the kids dance in the garage and we have a good time at home.  Occasionally one or more of the adults go out and Nana and Papa watch the kids. 

This year was different, my daughters got sitters and we had an adult time out.  It would have been great if my son could have made it down but  he couldn't make it. We went to PF Changs,   a great Chinese restaurant and then later went out for dessert at Avanti's.  A quiet elegant  little Italian restaurant. The restaurant was decorated in Italian Mediterranean influence.   There was nice jazz music playing too.  It was a nice change to get out with the adults, something we need to do more often. 


  1. Is that you and your daughter? You're both beautiful!

    I'm glad you had a nice time out together!

  2. Yes this is my daughter. Thank you for the nice compliment.


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