
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Biggest Compliment

Just Sunday I got the biggest compliment from my husband. He stated that he realizes how important it is that I don't have a job outside of the home because the family has needs that only I can provide. I feel I finally got recognition that having a home based business and being available for the family is important work.

I, a grandmother, and mother have many times helped take care of the needs of my grandkids when sick,  daughter after surgery, helped with newborn babies, helped take an  mother-in-law with dementia to doctor apts. etc. And I try to work full time on my home business too.

He finally realized that stay at home spouses can do things that others don't have the opportunity to do, but needs to be done. Family has always been important too me and my husband and most of our children's childhood I was a stay at home mom. I did take some time out for college and a few short years to work but we soon realized that it was best to be at home for the children.

I know some families and women don't have that choice because they are single moms but some just desire more things than the time with the children. I respect them all but those who stay at home help their children realize what the most important in life is besides God is them.  After all they are God's gift to us!


  1. Good to see this he realized important of family I am glad to see this. Money can not bring everything to us.
    dean graziosi

  2. So true Dean. Thanks for stopping by and commenting. :)


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