
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

National Day of Prayer Recap

The National Day of Prayer was May 5th, and there was a great turnout.  There were various speakers praying for various needs for America.  I was blessed with the opportunity to pray for the media.  I considered this an honor to be chosen by my church to represent our church and to pray.  I have not prayed in public like this before but felt that God had a plan and purpose for me to be chosen to do this great honor. So I agreed to pray.

I also felt that in this purpose was more that it appeared to be on the surface.  In others words,  God's plan can be more than just praying  for the media but a lead into other contacts and experiences as God directs.  My first contact from this meeting was an invitation to lunch by a pastor's wife and co-members of a church that I don't attend.  It was an divine appointment to meet with others from another denomination and fellowship.  God is so good and has great plans for me.  He has great plans for you too if you are submissive to him and be available to be used.  This is the key,  submission and availability.

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