
Monday, November 21, 2011

Gluten Free Pecan Crust Recipe

This is pie crust is great for pumpkin pie, but it can be used for other custard/pudding fillings. It really helps to start out with pecans from the freezer, because then the butter blends through but quickly sets up so the "mass" is pliable.

Prep Time: 8 minutes
Total Time: 8 minutes

1 cup pecan pieces (frozen)
2 T melted butter
2 T sugar equivalent from artificial sweetener of your choice

1. Take pecans out of the freezer and measure them into a food processor (you can use a blender, but be careful not to blend them down too small). Pulse the processor until the largest pieces are as big as lentils or split peas.

2. Add the butter and the sweetener . Blend until it's mixed evenly.

3. Dump it into a pie pan, and push with your fingers to cover the bottom and sides. It should be the right consistency to mold the crust to the pie pan evenly.

Nutritional Analysis: Whole crust is 4.5 grams effective carbohydrate plus 10.5 grams fiber, 10 grams of protein, 101 grams fat, 950 calories.


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