
Wednesday, December 7, 2011

10 Ways to Put Christ back in Christmas!

1) Give God one very special gift just from you to him

Maybe your gift to God will be to forgive someone you've needed to forgive for a long time. You may discover that you've given a gift back to yourself.
Perhaps your gift will be to commit to spend time with God daily!

2) Set aside a special time to read the Christmas story in Luke 1:5-56 through 2:1-20

3) Set up a Nativity scene in your home

4) Plan a project of good will this Christmas

A  adopt a family, visit the elderly, help them do shopping or yard work. Find someone with a genuine need, involve your whole family and see how happy you can make someone this Christmas. 

5) Take a group Christmas caroling in a nursing home or a children's hospital.

6) Give a surprise gift of service to each member of your family

The idea of giving an unexpected gift of service to members of your family is to demonstrate Christ-like love and service. You might consider giving a back rub to your spouse, running an errand for your brother, or cleaning out a closet for your mother. Make it personal and meaningful and watch the blessings multiply.

7) Set aside a time of family devotions on Christmas Eve or Christmas morning:
Before opening the gifts, take a few minutes to gather together as a family in prayer and devotions. Read a few Bible verses and discuss as a family the true meaning of Christmas. 

8) Attend a Christmas church service together with your family.

9) Send Christmas cards that convey a spiritual message.

10) Write a Christmas letter to a missionary or to a solider.


1 comment:

  1. Thank you Jim! I like using the Many verison of the bible to choose from and lessons, all free apps.


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