
Saturday, December 29, 2012

Refocus Your Focus!

As 2012 comes to an end, it reminds me  that it's time to reevaluate my life and remember to focus on what is really important.  Is it our self, others, our business or God.  If you would to take the time to think this all through you would realize that the most important thing to focus on is God, without him we are nothing. 

 If we focus on God all things will fall into place. Did we make the right choices last year?  Are we going to make better ones this new year?  Only you know!  Its time to reflect on the past, learn from our mistakes and begin again with new found focus and not allow our self  to be lost in the busyness of life and remember why we are here and what we are to accomplish with your life.  

So as these year comes to a close I pray that you my readers will reevaluate your life and if you find you are missing the mark that you will get yourself back on track this new year and rediscover who you are and who you are meant to be and with God's help you will accomplish all your goals and even more!  Many blessings to all my readers and Godspeed!

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