In honor of Memorial Day! I want us to continue to pray for our troops, so many have lost their lives and their loved ones. Our family supports our troops, my father, Jim and father-in-law, Walter were both Navy men. In fact Walter was at Pearl Harbor when it was attacked, lucky he was not on his ship when it sank but was on the beach.

My husband and his brother were both army men and they served in the Vietnam War. They survived too. My Son, Jadah, air force,above, and Son-in-law, Chuck, army, below, have both served in Iraq. Chuck was one of the first too be sent home to OK because he was wounded and needed to recover and received a purple heart. Both are living, praise God! But many lives are not. Please pray for the safety of our troops. It's important to remember our freedom and without our soldiers we would not have the freedoms we have in America. God bless our soliders and keep them safe!

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