Saturday, August 8, 2009

Bling Bling

Today was Bling Bling Zumba! We had as much dancing as we do dressing up! I'm always up for costumes.

Here I am with one of my Zumba buddies Elaine.

Here's our group. Don't we look cute?


  1. What exactly is Zumba...guess I better google it! =)

    You look like you're having fun!

  2. Looks great with your dancing group.
    Thank you so much for visiting over at my place :D.
    Have a lovely day.
    ~ Tina

  3. You are gorgeous! Zumba looks fun. I saw something about it on a morning show not too long ago. I absolutely love your vintage aprons! those are my favorite, but I totally need something to cover my upper body.


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