Today's blog feature goes to Annies Cupboard blog, by Sherry Marrero. This is quite a talented lady. She's a wife and stay at home mom who homeschools 2 boys and creates all kinds of things.
She's just plan amazing and such an inspiration to me because she is always creating new things. She is famous for her Primitive Raggedy Ann dolls but the talent doesn't stop there. She makes unique items out of vintage bed sheets. Her newest project is bunting, which is like banners or streamers out of bed sheets of course. She makes skirts, blouses, pin cushions all out of sheets too. Painting little wooden Retro cottages too is another of her side lines. Everytime I read her blog she has created something new and different. Way to go girl!

Raggdy Ann patterns and dolls

Wrap skirt from a vintage bedsheet

Retro cottage with people and furnture

Handmade recyled vintage pictures into wall art
Check out this blog: http://anniescupboard.blogspot.com/
And her shop: http://anniescupboard.etsy.com
I love the raggedy ann dolls! Soo adorable!